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学习经验交流:Spelling (1)

Introduction-Hooked on Phonics

In This Section

Learn how to attach prefixes and suffixes
Form contractions, plurals, and possessives
Learn the rules!

“Waiter, waiter!” said the irate patron in the fancy restaurant. What's this fly doing in my soup?”
“Looks like the backstroke to me,” replied the waiter.

Right or wrong, good or bad—you know that spelling matters. A fly in your soup doesn't do much for your appetite; likewise, a misspelled word can destroy the effect of an entire document. This section gives you some quick and dirty ways to learn to spell. (Getting rid of the fly is a subject for another book, however!)

Bee a Good Speller
Can you spell? I dare you to prove it! Take this pretest to see how well you spell. Use what you learn here to focus on the sections that you need the most.

In each of the following groups of words, only one of the words is misspelled. For each group, select the misspelled word and spell it correctly on a sheet of paper.(scroll down to see answer!)

1. arguering knives shepherd thousandth
2. baggy unreleived canine vengeful
3. contagious obituary lonliness cadence
4. millinery sacrafice caramel burglarize
6. bridle loosely breakage symtom
7. civillian primeval apologetic truancy
8. uncanny statuesque ajournment aisle
9. trigonometry exhaust Artic visualize
10. bewitches satchel vegetable obstinite


1. arguing 6. symptom
2. unrelieved 7. civilian
3. loneliness 8. adjournment
4. sacrifice 9. Arctic
5. seize 10. obstinate

Score Yourself
8 to 10 correct You can proofread my work anytime.
5 to 7 correct You'll be okay with a good spell checker.
3 to 6 correct Treading on thin ice, kiddo.
0 to 2 correct Are you Mr. Potatoe, Dan Quayle?

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