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[我的作品]暑期生活Deep Wood Adventure

By:Nancy Du (Age:12) Date : Thursday August 31, 2006

It was Sunday evening in summer vacation, the sun was about to set and was already making wonderful colors just above the horizon. We were driving on the highway making our way back home, after 2 whole days of fun and wilderness. I was looking out the window remembering that two wonderful days. I guess it was kind of like an adventure…a deep wood adventure…

Let’s go back a little farther…2:00PM Friday July 28,2006! It seems like the busiest day of my life! The whole day me and my mom was getting ready for our 2 day camping trip to Bon Echo Park! It was said that the park was AWSOME, with lakes, forests, mountains and a LOT of campers like us!

After several hours of waiting, my family, my friend and her mom set out for a 3 hour drive. After long talks about our favorite shows, things that are up and at the end, looking at constellations, we arrived at the park!

I was amazed by how big it was, even after being warned by my mom! By the time we unloaded the car and set up our tents it was around 1:00AM! Without wasting any time, we pulled out our sleeping bags and went to sleep.

We woke up bright in the morning and planned our day. First stop, boat rental store! We got two boats, a canoe and a row boat. It was a lot fun since it was the first time I rode a canoe. We pulled on shore and decided to follow the numerous campers walk up the mountain. It took us about 2 hours to climb up and down the mountain, but I think the view was worth it! We spent the rest of the time riding around in the boats.

It was after dinner that we’re back in some action! We started up the campfire and was playing with it the whole time. Not only was it fun, it was also bug proof and MOSTLY MOSQUITOS! They are the worst thing about camping out in the woods!

The last day went by like a snap. We played card games the whole morning and went to this nearby little museum. There it displayed items from early years in Canada. I was having so much fun, before I knew it, it was time to pack up! We said goodbye to our campsite and left. Lastly I was glade that we got to go to the beach before we left for home.

As they say, everything comes to an end, and so does this camping trip. So now I’m back in my car still driving on the highway. The sun is completely set, making shades of blue from light to dark. We drove farther away from Bon Echo Park as it set with the sun under the horizon!



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