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加拿大面粉不能吃了?又有三种面粉含E. coli

2017-04-13 来源:51网综合作者:吴楚河

联邦食品检验局(CFIA)在上月底发布通告,召回在部分省区出售的罗宾汉(Robin Hood)品牌的面粉,因其可能感染大肠杆菌(E. Coli)。上周食检局再发通告,扩大罗宾汉面粉的召回范围,其召回省区不再限于卑诗、阿省、萨省、曼省以及纽芬兰,而是包括全加拿大。

联邦食品检验局今天将召回范围扩大到另外三个品牌,分别为Brodie, Creative Baker以及 Golden Temple(下图),召回的原因也是一样,怀疑它们已感染E. Coli;食检局在其官方网站说,包括罗宾汉在内的这些品牌的产品被E. coli O121污染,消费者不能食用。买了这类产品的消费者应该将其退回,或是干脆扔掉。



生产商Smucker Foods of Canada Corp.的发言人表示,罗宾汉面粉主要在萨省的萨斯克通(Saskatoon)的一家面粉厂生产,同时要求民众关注联邦公共安全部门的警告,千万不要尝生面团或面糊,即使少量食用也可能致病。


阿省的两家律师楼表示,他们已经代表受害人发起集体诉讼,其中一名女受害人住在卑诗省的维多利亚( Victoria),她在食用罗宾汉面粉所做的曲奇饼干之后致病,并导致肾脏衰竭,这两家律师楼分别为James H. Brown 和 Associates and Higgerty Law。
生产商Smucker Foods of Canada Corp.没有对此置评。


Brodie self-raising cake and pastry flour, 1 kg. Production code 6 291 548 with best-before date of Jan. 17, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01484 5.
Creative Baker all-purpose flour, 20 kg. Production code 6 291 SK with best-before date of Oct. 17, 2017. UPC 6 28622 10142 6.
Creative Baker whole wheat flour, 10 kg. Production code 6 292 SK with best-before date of April 18, 2017. UPC 6 28622 10131 0.
Golden Temple Sooji creamy wheat, 2 kg. Production code 6 292 548 with best-before date of Jan. 18, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01552 1.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 1 kg. Production code 6 288 548 with best-before date of April 14, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01632 0.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 1 kg. Production code 6 289 548 with best-before date of April 15, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01632 0.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 1 kg. Production code 6 290 548 with best-before date of April 16, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01632 0.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 1 kg, Production code 6 291 548 with best-before date of April 17, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01632 0.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 10 kg. Production code 6 288 548 with best-before date of April 14, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01652 8.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 10 kg. Production code 6 289 548 with best-before date of April 15, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01652 8.
Robin Hood all-purpose flour, 10 kg. Production code 6 292 548 with best-before date of April 18, 2018. UPC 0 59000 01652 8.

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