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愛靜閣獅子會 「社交排舞班」

2010-09-22 TSCTV

愛靜閣獅子會 「社交排舞班」

地點:士嘉堡愛靜閣社區中心二樓大堂(Community Hall, 2nd Floor, 31 Glen Watford Drive & Sheppard )
費用:四十五元九堂 (教授排舞包括有初級、中級及高級組舞步)
導師:Esther Wong

有興趣報名學習及練習社交排舞者,請於星期五晚上七時十五分前,親臨到愛靜閣社區活動中心報名即可,或 905-470-8468 吳先生查詢。

Ballroom Line Dancing
On every Friday, from October 1, 2010, the Lions Club of Agincourt is hold its Ballroom Line Dancing, and it would be very much appreciated if the following information could be announce at a suitable time. .

Ballroom Line Dancing
Date : Every Friday from October 1, 2010
Time : 7:30 pm to 10 pm
Place : Community Hall, 2nd Floor, Agincourt Recreation Centre, ( 31 Glen Watford Drive & Sheppard )
Fee : $45 for 9 sessions (Beginners, Intermediate & Advance )
Instructor : Esther Wong
Registration in person every Friday night at Agincourt Recreation Centre, for further information, please call Lion Paul at 905-470-8468.

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