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小消息:Up Coming :Teluscap !

The 'front yard'Ontario Science Center is radically transforming!

The Science Centre's main entrance will become TELUSCAPE -- an interactive outdoor venue that combines native trees and a wetland with walkways, interactive experiences, installation art and an outdoor forum. The 4590 square metre (51000 square foot) space will open to Science Centre visitors and the local community in September 2006.

Here's what you'll experience:

Enter the Spiral Plaza for full access to a sensory transition between the city and the Science Centre

Discover FUNtain, a spectacular interactive sound sculpture created by Toronto artist Steve Mann. FUNtain functions like a musical instrument using water; play it like a flute to create different notes

Contemplate at the Wetland pond, surrounded by a naturalized area with native grasses and wetland species that will evolve over time

Be entertained at TELUSCAPE Forum, a new program and event space, which will be carved out of the landscape and shaped by a grassy hill with seating for over 350

Scale the kid-sized Climbing Spheres, a set of three large spheres which appear to be scooped out of the east wall of the TELUSCAPE Forum
Navigate the Water Maze without getting wet! One metre-high water-jet walls shoot up in changing patterns, challenging you to stop, observe and plan a dry route through the maze.


Marvel at fibre optic reeds and large solar powered trees!

TELUSCAPE will emphasize the juxtaposition of the Science Centre's neighbourhood—the natural environment of the Don Valley against the backdrop of an urban community. You will be encouraged to question the landscape, and explore the different and sometimes surprising features of your surroundings. TELUSCAPE will be open throughout the year.

TELUSCAPE is named in recognition of TELUS' $10-million Agents of Change contribution, and is just one component our $47-million transformation initiative

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